Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dr J and I rarely go to the movies. When you have three kids and are thirty year old students, finances are usually to tight to swing tickets and a babysitter. Mostly we don't mind. A long time ago we got Netflix and in general that satisfies our need for movies and dates. Occasionally though a movie comes out that you must see in the theater. Avatar happens to be just that. The first thing my sister said to me this Christmas break was, "You have to go see Avatar. It is the best movie I've seen all year. It has everything. You will love it." The only thing I'd heard about it was that it was the most expensive movie ever, but her words made me weary. My whole family swore up and down that Nacho Libre was hilarious. It wasn't. I've often asked my self if the build up I gave the movie was the problem. Free babysitting though is hard to pass up, so the day before Christmas I headed to the theater with Dr J, two of my babysisters, one of their spouses, and my two younger brothers. Tickets were almost completely sold out so we found ourselves down in the front area. I was prepared to be disappointed but instead was amazed. I am not going to promise that the story is without flaws. I'm still confused as to what tree is first bulldozed and why they chose to have the Avatars have human like hands versus the hands of the people of Pandora. My brother tried to argue that the story was a tired mix of Pocahontas, Fern Gully, and Dances with Wolves, but the story line stays interesting even if it does borrow. There are times when it gets a little preachy, but I think a little preachy is ok. The story line is good. The action is great. The computer animation is AMAZING. A must see on the big screen!!! There is one part in the story where I almost chocked back a sob. For those who have seen the movie it involves a the line, "I see you." Embarrassing I know but the story has it all. Definitely worth the babysitting money if you are on the fence about seeing it. We walked out of the theater and I spent most of the night thinking about the movie and how good the graphics were. Later that night we watched GI Joe with my brother and sister in law. I wanted to throw something at the screen. What a waste of space. My sister is right, Avatar is probably the best movie of the year.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I Love You: In which woman discovers whe will never be able to compete with father.
“I love you, you, you!” screams G bear as she points to her dad. G bear has just recently started to use those words in reference to family members. Of course Dr. J noticed it first. “G bear told me she loves me today,” he mentions at breakfast. “Really,” I said, “she’s never said that to me.” “Well I told her first, so that’s probably it.” Probably it? Is the man insane? I probably just tell that child I love her twenty times in a day. She probably could respond at least ten of those times, but has she ever chosen to. Of course not! And thus begins what I believe to be the total unfair distribution of a child’s love for dad versus mom. While I may have been the one who:
made these babies,
baked them in my womb for nine months,
leached my bones to make them,
destroyed my hips to squeeze them out,
gave up five years of my life to lack of sleep,
feed them from my body,
smothered them with love and care,
dressed them,
feed them,
cleaned their rooms,
read countless stories,
brushed hair millions of times,
kissed a plethora of booboos,
who do they love the most……………..DAD!
If there was an unfair shake for woman for that whole Eve and the apple thing, I’m telling you that is it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they love their dad. I just wish they could love me half as much, and so I began a quest to hear her say it. Every time I said, I love you, today I patiently waited to see if she would respond. Finally right before dinner I said, “G bear I love you.” She was in her father’s arm and said, “I love you.” “See,” Dr. J said, “She said it.” But then she yelled, “I love you Peach.” And then she yelled at her dad, “I love you, you, you,” and each you was punctuated with a jabbing point on her index finger. Like I said…
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Toyota Sienna, One Small Glitch?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Rain Storm Rescue
Today it has been raining all day. Considering the state I live in, this is not an unusual occurrence. We get weeks of rain where the sun never shines and there is a constant drizzle. We get freezing rain in the winter that sticks to the ground and makes you feel like you are walking on marbles. We get torrential storms, often with dangerous winds, sometimes even tornadoes. It is a rainy place. One night, Dr. J and I were returning home from a movie. It was pouring and as we drove past a Pickadeli's we saw a man in motorized wheelchair stuck in a drive way, unable to get his scouter chair up to continue on his way. dr. J and I looked at each other and we turned the car around. dr. J jumped out to see if he could help the man. The man said, "If you can just push me up the driveway I'd appreciate it." At this point dr. j was soaked. He said, "Look, I can't leave you out here, let me take you somewhere." And thus began us trying to shove this guy and his scooter chair into our tiny lancer. It was a difficult feat. First we had to unhook our car seats which of course were latched in (any parent who has latch car seats knows what a pain that can be). Then we had to get this disabled guy, into the car. He suffered from some type of muscle weakness and was a little drunk, so the task took some time. Finally we were trying to figure out what to do with his chair. We didn't want to leave it out, but didn't see what choice we had. At this point a family in a big SUV pulled up to see if we could use some help. They had a full trunk but with some finagling we got their stuff into our trunk, the scouter chair into their trunk (although they had to leave the trunk open and a teenager had to hold the scooter in) and we all headed off to the guys house. We then had to repeat the process in reverse. At this point we were completely drenched. There was not a single wet part on either of us. Our hair was streaming, our underwear were clinging, and we were freezing. We got home and gave our very surprised babysitter some money before sending her on her way so we could take a warm shower and warm up. I know this will sound weird but to me it was one of the funnest dates we ever had. I'm so glad we didn't leave that guy out there in the rain. I'm so glad I have a hubby who is willing to try and take on a task like fitting a scouter chair in a lancer trunk when it is raining cats and dogs.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Peanut Butter, Marshmallow, Bread, Honey Sandwich
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Six Movies That Made Me Cry
The Green Mile-I watched this movie with my good friend Leslie. The story is about a death row guard who becomes certain that one of the inmates is not only innocent but possesses "magical" powers. The story was written by Stephen King and is a good example of his quirky dark side. The movie was ok, not anything I found particularly compelling but as the Tom Hanks character has to prepare Michael Duncan to be executed I was crying like a baby. Of course I was in a theater, with no Kleenex and my nose was running all over the place. I'm grossed out to say it but I wiped my snotty hand on my sock. Sick I know. If only I could say that was the only time I'd done that. Now as a mom of three I swear I always have snot somewhere on my clothes!
Braveheart - Back before the pre-divorce, antisemitic incident people used to know Mel Gibson as an actor/director. This movie was directed by Mel and won a slew of awards. It tells the fictional story of William Wallace against the true story of the Scots trying to free themselves from English rule. Early on in the movie Wallace loses his wife. After 177 minutes of blood and gut filled action she returns. It is at that moment I lost it. Braveheart has lots of action for the men with some true love to entertain the ladies.
Up- I recently watched the animated film Up with my hubby and kids. Talking dogs and a chubby little wilderness adventure kid kept the kids laughing. They were to young to understand why mom was crying in the first five minutes. I'm a sucker for love stories, and Up begins with a great one.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Benjamin Button was interesting on a variety of levels. I love movies that artfully weave the running of history throughout their fiction. The best example of this was Forrest Gump but Benjamin Button does a pretty good job. The special effects are often interesting, some things like the battle scene are done in a very obvious way to add to the fact that this is "fiction" but the age regression is completely seamless. Pit really does appear to be a child old man, and when they regress his age to a very young man when he returns to see his wife, well lets just say it has been a long time since he has looked that good. Once again it was the love story that got me crying.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
TV Detox
McDonalds and How I enjoy my Pad Thai
Monday, November 30, 2009
Google Wave and a Birthday!
On a completely unrelated note, something that surpassed expectation, Happy Birthday Dr. J! My sweet hubby is 32 year old today. I know he is going to hate this picture and the fact that I posted it but I couldn't help it. Who pulls their socks down and their pants up like that and flexes their toes on the coffee table. It was just too five years old to me. He was probably checking basketball scores as well. Pretty much my whole adult life has been spent with this man. I love him! Eight years ago on this night I took him out for Italian and sealed my fate with a kiss. I guess the lesson is if a man ask you for a birthday kiss you had better be sure you are prepared to be all in before you give it. He has given me three great kids and a life that I love. He has given me the security I desperately wanted as a kid. He keeps me on my toes and busy. Here is to a great 32 years! I love you honey!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday Walk
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New Moon, Opening Day
- I still hate Bella. She is intolerable. I think if you can relate to her in some way that makes her more enjoyable. I can't. She watches a whole group of people go to their deaths and doesn't say a word. It kind of makes the whole in love with a vampire thing just not worth it. This is nothing against Kristen Stewart, just the character of Bella. I think Kristen is adorable in a sort of brooding, chew on your lower lip kind of way. She really is cute. It did my heart good to see she wasn't quiet as cute when she comes out of the ocean wet. People should only be allowed a certain amount of cuteness to be fair to the rest of us.
- The special effects were slightly better than the first movie but still left a lot to be desired. Why not hire the guys who did Benjamin Button. If you've seen what they do to Brad Pit in that movie you'd agree.
- The relationship with Charlie was weird. Last movie Bella's dad was so awkward...which fit well with a relationship where the daughter hasn't been around for years. Now this movie he is a loving, caring, good joking guy. His character is extremely likable, which was just a fast jump for me.
- There was a lot of cheese. The guy sitting next to me would literally choke when it got a little heavy and most of the time I had to agree. At one point most of the audience actually laughed/groaned out because it was just so silly. If you've seen the movie think a dress, a vest, and running. I guess though it is to be expected and if you like the books it surely will not bother you.
- Personally for me the most romantic moment in the whole movie came with the wrong guy. Anytime someone is telling you they love you in another language...well I'm sorry that is just dreamy. He might just be seventeen but if I had to pick a t-shirt mine would say "Team Jacob".
- Finally this isn't a problem with the movie so much as it is a problem with the books, but what is the deal with the vampires and the werewolves hating each other so much? I mean come on, you're both supernatural, which makes you way more cool then humans. Why not hang out instead of having this little brawls. It is just a little to west side story for me :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Morning Games
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Regret...the wheat from the tares
Monday, November 16, 2009
He Can Do It!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Beatles
Friday, November 13, 2009
Rated T for Toddler
I have a son who loves rap/rock music. Even as a fetus in the womb he would get especially active during the weekly top 40. This recently came to a head when he found an old radio alarm clock. He thought it was so fun that he could change the stations. Dr. J and I didn't mind for about two minutes but then we walked upstairs and heard the word erection crackling on the weak little speakers. That was it. The radio alarm clock had to disappear. I felt sort of bad for the kid. He just wanted to listen to some music and I'll admit lots of stuff has great beats. Not everyone wants to listen to five little speckled frogs every day. It made me wish that musicians would drop records with a T version, as in rated T for Toddler, sort of in the way they have the "clean versions" and the adult only versions. I saw this Jay Leno and thought, hey maybe I should petition Jamie to lead the way. I also had to grab Dr. J's favorite, Baby Got Bible.
more about "Jamie Foxx Performis "Blame It On The...", posted with vodpod
*Big E also loves classical. He definitely has varied taste.
**This is my Saturday Post an hour and half early. I'm just going to have to deal :)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
News Flash...eye drops sting ;)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
New Moon and Hulu
Speaking of Hulu I found a new show to watch. Its called Intervention. There have been quite a few people in my family affected by addiction and this show really opened my eyes. The cases are emotionally involving. You hurt for the families and when the people go in for their interventions, sometimes I shout out, TAKE THE INTERVENTION...GO...GO! DON'T SAY NO! I think this is the image we should be giving our kids of drug use. I guess though that is the problem with being a teenager. People can tell you about consequences but it is so hard to understand consequences when you are young. Anyway check out Hulu.
Monday, November 9, 2009
46 Chromosomes and One Fat Toe
Sleep Issues
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Already Messed Up
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Night Out and two veggie dishes
We at at this local restaurant most of us love. They have a good variety of pretty much everything and because they are on the more liberal side of the two towns they have quiet a bit of vegetarian fare. I'm not saying liberal = vegetarian but we have noticed that people that identify with the title of liberal often enjoy local places that sell local fare...often with lots of veggies :) This is not a hard fast rule. Anyway my friend Erica and I shared two veggie meals (these were not vegan).
The first was roasted artichokes on a whole wheat bagel.
On whole wheat bagel, open faced. Cover with roasted artichoke hearts. Add a chopped olives and grated carots. Place a slice of cheese on top and roast until cheese is nice and melted. DELICIOUS!
The second was a pesto pita. Why have I never thought to do this. We eat pitas and pesto almost every week...just not together.
Take a pita. Spread pesto on it. Put down some Swiss cheese. Toast. Cover with chopped tomatoes, lettuces and a little bit of red onion. Also supremely delicious.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Bad Dreams
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Public Broadcasting Service
Sesame Street-I watched this show as a child. Now my children love it. ELMO drives me nuts. That little voice is so annoying but everything else is great. Murry Had A Little Lamb cracks me up every time.
Word Girl-Teaches awesome vocabulary.
The Electric Company-Both my kids love this show. A lot of language art skills are still above their pay grade but it amazing what they pick up. The story lines are silly but tolerable for parents and I love seeing the different ways they introduce topics.
Masterpiece Theater - Um everything. I love everything. To many jewels to mention. The same goes for it's sister series Mystery. Many of these productions were produced in England and they are of English works. I love English writers, especially mystery so this is a treat for me. BBC produces many of them. Who doesn't love BBC for their news. Just one more reason PBS is the best. Dr. Who is another personal favorite. Do we see a trend emerging. I tried to tell Dr. J we need to spend some time in England. He doesn't get it. I might be obsessed.
Nature is awesome. Last night we were watching a special on babies...mama lions trying to prevent their babies from being killed by the new king of their group. It was intense. I could go on and on. But I think I've made my point :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Mac Book...I wish!
Coolest House On The Block
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
When Looking For a Job it is All About Who You Know
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sometimes it isn't just about motivation...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
When I was a kid, an OCD moment
Life in Rewind: The Story of a Young Courageous Man Who Persevered over OCD and the Harvard Doctor Who Broke All the Rules to Help Him.
Terry Weible Murphy was the author. Edward E. Zine was the Courageous Man. Michael A. Jenike was the Doctor.
This story was interesting. The writing was decent although the title is misleading. Edward Zine had OCD. It was bad. To find out how bad read the book but for a teaser lets just say a bed covered in green slime. Dr. Michael Jenike started a clinic that deals with OCD. You can tell Terry Murphy thinks he is a saint. Edward and Michael are friend. Michael tried to help Edward. I'm really unclear on what "all the rules were that he broke". I guess the common sense ones? The "establishment"? Well whatever rules, he didn't really help Edward. More like he had to leave Edward because even for him Edward was just to hard to deal with. One day Edward managed himself enough to come back to the functioning world. Both men live intesting lives. The story definitely made me think about mental illness and my own family. The writing is good, but certain things about the organization make me feel just not quite "right" :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Small Family?
Friday, October 16, 2009
That Magical Age
1) I've known my husband now 8 years. Seems like just yesterday he stopped me on the street. Now we are forever entwined.
2) I've pretty much finished my childhood and college scrap books. Now I need to get back to my kids'.
3) I have a bachelors degree in a field I actually like.
4) I've worked on several published studies and am currently working on one of Dear Dr. J's. Maybe someday we will actually finish it.
5) I survived a transatlantic flight with a two year old and pregnant belly.
6) I've seen the pyramids...the ones in Egypt people :)
7) I've learned how to make a perfect loaf of wheat bread.
8) I've been the primary president in two wards. When we move from here I'm going to make a strong push on our next bishop that I'm ready to try something new :)
9) I have three beautiful children, Little E took 38 1/2 hours of labor.
10) G bear had me the skinniest I've ever been in my adult life at five months pregnant.
11) Peach has to survive with parents who have two other children.
12) I've been married over seven years. This anniversary will put us at having the longest first marriage of any of our parents.
13) I survived my first bad parent teacher conference.
14) I taught myself how to sew.
15) I know what a runners high feels like.
16) I've painted my walls colors...something my mother would never allow when I was a child.
17) I've enjoyed hair all the way down to my butt and a pixie cut.
18) I own a mini van and actually love having it.
19) I've been married to a student for almost eight years, which means I know how to get more for my money and what it is like to be a single mom with a boyfriend who occasionally stops by :)
20) I finally joined a cell phone plan.
21) I can cook a cheese cake that is not out of a Kraft box.
22) I've driven 18 hours with three kids, all by myself.
23) I've overcome a shoe addiction.
24) I maintain three bogs...although one is severely neglected.
25) I can braid baby hair.
26) I keep my bathrooms clean.
27) I know what I want to be when I grow up, and Dr. J is finally through school.
28) I love my family and still talk to them at least once a week or more but can survive living on the other side of the country.
29) I actually enjoy the city of Chicago. This took years so it is an accomplishment.
What more do I want to do in my life.
1) I want to go back to school. I want to become something really cool. I'm waiting for Dr. J to finish first :)
2) I want to write a book.
3) I still want a National Geographic article...but since it doesn't really fit with my school plans we will have to see.
4) I want to raise three outstanding citizens of this world who have something to contribute and love each other.
5) I want to always support my husband and for us to always be happy together.
6) I want to figure out all the settings on my Cannon.
7) I want to print my Jordan blog out in a scrap book.
8) I want to learn to make jewelry.
9) I want to make a difference in this world.
10) I want to live somewhere I can pick up an accent.
11) I want to be a vegetarian but just can't figure out how to give up meat...I LOVE IT :)
12) I want to go to Hawaii.
13) I want to learn to wind surf and sail.
14) I want to run again.
Luckily for me I have a lifetime of 29th birthdays so I can get this all done :)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Worth It
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Whole Wheat Cookie Bars
Whole Wheat Cookie
2 eggs
1 cup oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon backing powder
1 teaspoon backing soda
2 unpacked cups of brown sugar
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
3 cups oatmeal
1/2 bag to a full bag of chocolate chips
Spray pan, either 9 by 13 for thicker cookies or half a baker sheet for thinner.
Put in oven at 350 for 20-25 minutes.
Let cool slightly and cut into bars.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wrong Type of Praise?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ms. MD
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Breastfeeding: The Stresses, The Joys
With big E, it took 72 hours for my milk to come in. Those three days were torture. My baby was hungry and was crying for food almost constantly. He was jaundiced and had lost a pound since his birth. I knew he needed food and I wanted to give it to him, but nothing was coming from my breast. My hungry baby had sucked my nipples into scabs and still nothing. Finally after 72 hours the milk came in. I can remember that euphoric moment. I was sleep deprived, had sore breast, and could barely sit without wincing but when little E choked on that first mouthful of milk I wanted to jump up and scream for joy. I won't say that I totally loved breastfeeding, but for the first year of my son's life it was the way I feed him. He loved it and it was no surprise that he was quickly in the 90% percentile in weight. I didn't mind and all in all it went pretty well.
When G-bear was born my milk came in a whole day earlier. Unlike her brother though, G-bear was a horrible nurser. From birth she was a finicky eater. She would eat just enough to get my milk to let down and then she would fall asleep or pull away to play. When she was ten months old my appendix burst and after three horrible days of trying to deal at home with a "swollen lymph node" (the diagnosis of the idiot emergency room doc). When my family doctor finally figured it out, I was sent to the hospital to have an emergency appendectomy. A family friend at the ER gave me a blessing and took my kids home. That night my daughter was weened. I guess it was a blessing she was never that into nursing. Still I will always love Liz the sweet woman who took my kids that night.
When Peach was born I thought that breastfeeding would be cake. I figured my milk would come in even sooner than it did with G-Bear. I was wrong. Peach was a vigorous nurser, and I nursed her every two hours, and anytime she cried. At the hospital the only thing that got us was scabby nipples. When we came home my milk still was not in and Peach was quickly losing weight. At three days old the pediatrician had her come in, and then because of her massive weight loss requested I come in the next day. I nursed her all that day, and still my milk did not come in. We had actually passed the 72 hour mark of my milk coming in and there was nothing. In desperation that night I gave her a little formula after she has nursed twenty minutes on each side. I repeated this regiment after each feeding that night and again in the morning. Finally when I went in to the doctor her weight loss had stabilized but I still had no milk. There was no let down and I could see her getting no milk. At this point I was in tears. After having a baby your hormones are crazy, you are not getting any sleep, and not being able to feed your own child puts you over the edge. I would sit on the couch or on my bed crying while Peach frantically tried to get milk to come. I spent quit a bit of time at the breastfeeding clinic at our local hospital. They were amazing! These women are so calm, and they are such good advocates for mom and baby, a calming force in a sea of hormones. They watched me feed her, weighed her, and gave out lots of advice. Finally at a week she was able to get a little milk out. It wasn't much but she was finally getting enough to measure on a pre feeding/post feeding weigh in. I kept at it, nursing every two hours, and at two weeks she hit close to her birth weight and had a three ounce feeding. After that I was able to relax a little. Since that time Peach has become a champion nurser, and has quickly gained in height and weight. She is far from obesse but has the look of health. My milk supply is different then it was with my other children. I don't spend lots of time engorged and for the most part have no need for breast pads, but the milk is there when I needed it, and Peach has been able to get enough to sleep through the night since she was a month and a half. I'm happy for her. I'm grateful to my body for finally pulling through for me.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Slum Dog Millionaire
Edward Scissor Hands
Forest Gump
The Painted Veil
Benjamin Button
and now
Slum Dog Millionaire
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A delicious snack!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
A Hero's Funeral
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I don't want to debate about the politics of the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. My personal feelings on Iraq are mixed but I'm sure of my feelings on Afghanistan. Long before September 11th that country was taken hostage by an extremist group. Afghanistan was a functioning country with a well educated population, but the Taliban shut away half that population forbidding them to be outside their homes without a male relative. Health care, education, and politics were crippled, which led to a downward spiral in quality of life for almost the entire country. I was in college at the time, a member of Amnesty International, calling jewelers to find out if they had blood diamonds in their shops. We watched what was going on in Afghanistan and prayed someone would step up to help but no one did, and we were just dorky kids who didn't know how to do anything. When September 11th happened the US went to Afghanistan but the majority of the troops were sent to Iraq. Over time the Taliban gained strength again and the fighting in Afghanistan has continued on, and for many people including myself become almost background noise. I've watched Good Morning America where they mention, "Four soldiers died in Afghanistan or Iraq today" and the number briefly registers and then I move on with my day. I lost sight of the fact that when they say, "Four soldiers died today," what they are really saying, is that today for four families the world has essentially stopped turning. Forty-Five military families have lost someone this month alone. Lets not forget that this isn't just numbers but these are families lives. Here is a site that helps military families. I'm going to try and be more aware of not just what is happening in my own family but what is happening all over the world.