Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My Gym Membership
A year and half ago I got a gym membership. It was wonderful at the time. My hubby was leaving the country and with two small children and winter quickly approaching I didn't know how I'd find the time to exercise. There was free babysitting and classes and for many months I enjoyed it. Today I'm contemplating cancelling it for eight months. It is grossly underutilized and the coffin was nailed down by a glorious temperate day. Because of the time I have to drop my son off I miss my favorite classes, so I'm mainly just running on the tread mill and doing weights. Today I was all ready to go and couldn't find my ipod. The thought of running on the hamster wheel without it was more then I could bare. I looked at the good weather and decided what the heck. Twenty minutes later I had the girls in the double jogger and we were on our way to a park, one we normal would drive to. It was awesome. I did squat jumps and arm presses in the park while daughter 1 played. Daughter 2 was amused to be out. I think I'm
hooked. Summer is coming, the pool will be open. Son number 1 will be out of school. Soon the bike trailer will be back together and attached to the bike. For these good months I'm going to take advantage of the natural family time exercise and activity. It will probably make me appreciate the gym more when I return next November!

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Pictures to die for...literally!
In high school I had to best friends Leslie and Pamela Jane. We did everything together, school, church dances, slumber parties almost every weekend. They were my favorite part about going to church. When we were older we started taking trips. We went camping in Southern and Northern Arizona. We went to California. We took trips to Utah. One time we decided to go to Sedona, this great little town sort of in central Arizona known worldwide for it's red rock formations. This particular time we decided to get out of the car and wade into the water. The river was fairly shallow and cold but fast moving the way most snow run off rivers are. At one point Leslie found this fairly large rock toward the middle of the river that you could rock hop over to. Her and Pamela scaled it. I stayed off to side always one to avoid heights. Leslie figured out that she could stand at one place over this little waterfall and it looked like she was hanging off of a massive cliff. She asked Pamela to take a picture. I think she got one shot off and then Leslie slipped and went into the river, under the waterfall. Pamela and I were screaming. I came running from the side where I'd been looking at rocks, Pamela got down off rock and we both started frantically running up and down the river trying to see her. Then suddenly she popped up, coughing and chocking. Though the river wasn't particularly deep it was deep enough and the force of the waterfall and slipper rocks had kept her trapped under. Somehow she got to the side and we grabbed her and hurried her off to the car. If I remember correctly she ended up wearing flip flops, gym pants and a ratty shirt for the rest of the day. Yes we stayed in Sedona even after that...not wanting to waste any fun time together. Later when she got her film printed that one shot was amazing! I don't know that it was necessarily worth it though. People die in that river all the time. I'm just glad she made it out alive. I'm pretty sure that would have been the most tramatic thing to happen in my life ever had she not...and I realize this is totally selfish but I would have missed out on tons of great memories in the years to follow.
Me and Pam right before the actual event. I don't have the picture of Leslie but I sure wished I had a copy! I'll post more pictures of these girls if I continue to feel reminiscent which I might...I've been listening to a lot of Sarah McLaughlin :)

Friday, March 5, 2010
Office Baby
Did anyone watch the office last night? Celia Maria was almost Peach's name. I mean like two minutes until we walked out of the hospital it was still on the block...and it now would have been immortalized on Office Trivia....oh well :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Dear Meijer
Dear Meijer,
When I read the word fresh, new is the first word that comes to mind. When I see it on hoggie rolls or french bread I assume that means they were baked today, the day I'm standing here in your bakery squeezing them. Imagine my dismay when I realize that they were FROZEN! All 15 bags sitting there. You secret is out my friend and I am not happy. From Wal-mart I would not be surprised, but you, I always thought you were a cut above. Apparently that was incorrect.
Soggy Bunned Mommi :)
When I read the word fresh, new is the first word that comes to mind. When I see it on hoggie rolls or french bread I assume that means they were baked today, the day I'm standing here in your bakery squeezing them. Imagine my dismay when I realize that they were FROZEN! All 15 bags sitting there. You secret is out my friend and I am not happy. From Wal-mart I would not be surprised, but you, I always thought you were a cut above. Apparently that was incorrect.
Soggy Bunned Mommi :)
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