Tuesday, February 26, 2008
And the Winter just keeps on coming...
For some reason I keep expecting spring to show up. Why is that? Just a couple of 50 degree days is all I'm asking for. So far though the weather has continued to be cold and wet. As long as it is warm enough to sled to the mailbox though the kids are happy. Saturday my son and I spent the day sledding while his sister was napping. He spent most of the time hiding his baby blues from the sun, so to keep my trigger finger happy I spent my time taking pictures of shadows and a hard liquor bottle that somebody had apparently dropped in the snow. Now that I'm thinking about it I should have picked it up and thrown it out. Good grief that was a boo boo. I recently had a friend complain that I'm putting too much pressure on. I cook weird meals, I'm learning to sew, I do all these fun things for my kids, I read, and I keep up all the blogs. She called me up and told me she had a bone to pick with me (you know who you are girl). Here is the great thing about blogs though...you can put whatever you want up and leave out all the not so flattering details. Like I could have not mentioned that I didn't pick that bottle up. Or the fact that on Friday my family ate breakfast three times (cold cereal, breakfast burritos, cold cereal), which in my book is a pretty good indication that things weren't going so well. Tonight my husband had to send me from the room because I was escalating a fight with my son over the fact that we were asking him to listen and there was no possible way he could do that while he kept whining that he was listening. The great thing about a blog though is that in general you can just use it to highlight the awesome things you do...rather then the not so awesome things. So here's to taking pictures of shadows and not to forgetting to pick up someone else's litter.
Friday, February 22, 2008
No Meat Week Continued
The original plan of the week was to have seven days of no meat. Then the seventh day came. I had the vegetables out and was chopping. My lovely number one came up to me and asked what we were having for dinner. I told him. He got a little frown on his face and said, "But mom my favorites are chicken, roasted beast, and beef." How could I not cook some meat for this child? This is just noddles, green onions, carrots, and chicken. The wantons have mushrooms, chopped green onion, zucchini, and a dab of cream cheese. Well that is all except #1's wantons...those ones are just cream cheese. When it comes to dinner #1 is an oddity. As my belly will attest I love to eat and eat frequently. As my DH weight does not attest he also loves to eat and will eat anything placed before him...and I mean anything. There have been times when an experiment in the kitchen has been a complete failure and I will not indulge but there he is soldiering through the mess. We figured #1 would be like us. He is not. Add cheese sticks and cold cereal to his dinner request and that covers 95% of what he eats. We've tried and continued to try to open his horizons but so far no go. So here it is. My plate is the one on top. #2's plate looks exactly the same only on plastic with slightly smaller portions sizes...not a whole lot smaller though because #2 is just like dad and will muscle her way through anything and then there is the plate of #1. Cheese only wantons, two grapes, lots of chicken, and few pieces of veggies thrown on top that we can argue over but in truth by the time he gets down from the table he'll probably only have consumed one small piece of colored fiber.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Run Mama, Run!
With this purchase something inside me changed. Oh I still curse my overactive sweet glands and my waddling gait and as for the first five minutes of my run well they are still the worst and I have to tell myself that when they are done if I still feel as horrible as I feel in that second I can just walk, but with this purchase I think I finally found my runners high. Today when my five minutes were up I just kept running and then when I hit my fifteen minutes I figured hey why not run to twenty, and then when I hit my twenty I figured why not do twenty-five. At twenty-five minutes I had to leave to come home to get the kids ready but I felt like I could have kept going. With this purchase I told myself, "You know girl you might be a waddler but your a running waddler now." The real runners high was walking in my door and saying to my husband, "Hey I ran for 25 minutes today." It was seeing my friend at the library and saying, "Hey I run 2 1/3 miles today." It is writing this blog and saying to the world, "Hey world I may be slow but this mama is running now!" To all you people out there who run already, Angi, Brent, Jason, Bridget, Bethany, Miriam etc...hey guys I finally get it. To those of you who want to try, they aren't lying when they say it will get better. Start slow. It's easiest to use a treadmill to mark out your times but you could managed with a watch. Wear some comfortable shoes and just keep in mind while it may be miserable at first eventually it gets a little more tolerable :) Also keep in mind this program off cool runnings really is quite good even though I modified it a bit.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
What makes a good mom...

Favorite Hair Product

3 More No Meat Days
Day 3 - Spinach salad in pita pockets. How can you just not love pita pockets. I get these stone ground whole wheat ones and they are delicious. Add so spinach, avocado (my favorite food), tomato, cheese, and hard boiled eggs and you are good to go. This is a meal that doesn't weigh you down but definitely makes you feel full.
Day Four - Foule. We had a potluck to go to and I decided to take a chance and bring foule, pitas, and sliced tomatoes and cucumbers. Now my darling husband and I had a several minute discussion over what actually constitutes foule. In Jordan we would order foule and they would o bring out a hummus like dish made with Fava beans instead of chickpeas. I thought this was what you would call foule. My husband though says the beans themselves are just called foule and who knows what that stuff we were eating was called. Looking for a recipe online though "foule" was used to describe the blended dish. The bean can though agrees with my husband. So I guess he is probably right. Regardless I brought both whole foule beans and the blended "foule" to the party so I guess it really doesn't matter which one of us was right. In making the dish I had a slight mishap. Below is the recipe I used to make the "foule". Using an entire lemons worth of juice...well that was probably a little too lemony. Next time I would probably add lemon to taste. Also I blended my "foule" up in my food processor. It just gave it a smoother consistency. So I made my foule and took it to my potluck. Some people really loved it. Others I'm sure were scared. I tried some last night and it was OK. I had some for lunch today and it was delicious. So I think this may be one of those things that gets better with a night in the fridge...sort of the way soup does :) I had to purchase tahini for this dish which isn't exactly the cheapest thing in the grocery store but you need tahini to make hummus as well and the recipe doesn't call for a tons so I have lost left for my next middle eastern meal.
1 (15 ounce) can fava beans
- Drain water from beans, rinse beans, then place on stove top and bring to boil.
- Mean while place garlic, and jalepeno in bowl, and mash the two of them.
Drain boiled beans, and add on top of garlic and mash untill you get a thick paste.
add lemon juice and tahini, mix together.
gradually add water until mix becomes to a good consistency.
salt to taste, and stir in optional parsley, or leave to decorate the top of the foul.
place foul in plate, and add olive oil on top. serve with warm pita. Enjoy.
Day Five - Mushroom Ravioli. So I got this recipe from a vegetarian magazine. You take a chopped mushroom assortment and cook it down with chopped garlic, onions, olive oil, thyme, and a dash of sherry. Of course I didn't have a dash of sherry but it was still fine. Then I cheated on the dough. Yes I'm sure you true lovers of Italian food would be disgusted but I just used wanton wrappers. Today was not the day to try and roll out my own dough. So I put the mushrooms mix in the wrappers. I also did several with just cheese to makes sure that picky #1 would eat something. I boiled vegetable broth and then threw these babies in to boil for about two minutes. After I pulled them out I put butter and Parmesan cheese on the cheese ones and pesto on the mushroom raviolis. So easy and pretty tasty.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Naughty Kid Photos?
Friday, February 15, 2008
No Meat Week - Valentine's Day Dinner

Finally on a totally unrelated note when you are in a pinch foil works pretty well as wrapping paper and doesn't even need to be taped. HURRAY!
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Civic Duty
Blue Corn Chips

2 ripe avocados
½ onion, minced (about 1/2 cup)
1-2 serrano chiles, stems and seeds removed, minced (the seeds are the hot part so if you leave them in...well you understand)
2 tablespoons cilantro leaves, finely chopped
1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice
A dash of salt
1/2 ripe tomato, seeds and pulp removed, chopped (some people like this...others don't...I leave them out when I don't have them).
1. Cut avocados in half. Remove seed. Scoop out avacado from the peel and put in a bowl.
2. Using a fork, mash the avocado. Add the chopped onion, cilantro, lime, salt and mash.
Keep the tomatoes separate until ready to serve.
3. Cover with plastic wrap directly on the surface of the guacamole to prevent oxidation from the air reaching it. Refrigerate until ready.
4. Just before serving, add the chopped tomato to the guacamole and mix.
Men's Shirt Dress

Monday, February 4, 2008
Why Breakfast Means Watch Out...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Time Capsule
Travis I'll pay you $5 to trade you seats next Sunday! Who is this Travis and why did I so desperately want his seat that I would be willing to fork over a happy meals worth of money to have it?
Noah has a woman. He's a weirdo! Again who is this person and I why did I think he was so odd? Did he deserve my abuse or was I just being a jerk? Probably I was just being a jerk.
Written in my hand. That is Mandy Wright, the girl we are trying to get Jake to ask out. Return Missionary, so sweet, so friendly, so cute. PERFECT! Written in a roommates hand. She's really Cute! How does Rachel feel about that? Well seeing as this particular Jake is married to cute Bev and this particular Rachel is quite happily now a Lufkins I guess it didn't matter if he asked Mandy out or not and Rachel didn't mind one bit. Oh college match making. I just hope Mandy fared as well as these four did :)
This one makes me laugh. The 1st counselor has been playing with his palm pilot for 35 minutes. What could he possibly be doing? Do you remember when palm pilots first came out and people were constantly on them? I particularly loved how they had a scripture download so no one could really tell if you were skimming through the Book of Mormon or if you had a game of solitaire going.
And here was my all time favorite: SHANE PARRY YOU ARE BAD! I don't know what happened to Shane. I haven't heard from him in over five years, but if by some chance he should ever happen upon this post Shane Parry you really probably were being naughty but thanks for keeping us all so entertained! We all loved you so much!
So now I will gather up all these notes, along with the others that weren't worth publishing, and the old seminary bookmarks, and the old Sunday school notes, and the back of that earing and I will throw them away. I'm keeping the shells though. They must have meant something important :)
* For those of you not of the Mormon Faith, Primary is where the members of our church ages 3-12 go for two hours each Sunday to be taught more age appropriate lessons. Sunbeams is the youngest class in primary. When a Member of the Church of Jesus Christ refers to their scriptures they are generally referring to the bible, and a triple combinations holding the pearl of great price, the doctrine and covenants, and the Book of Mormon. Those three books are unique to the Mormon Faith. Seminary is a weekly church doctrine class that high school age students attend. Is you have any questions please feel free to ask.