So remember that
men's shirt dress tutorial...well I got around to doing it. Here is the first of two shirts that I slaughtered in the name of a really cool project (I mean I really did slaughter them...cut at every seam). If I had to do it again I'd say give yourself a little more room then I did above the top button on the back. I mean cut yourself maybe an extra inch up there so you can decided how much material you need when you are getting ready to sew to fold it over twice and make a nice back seam. Also I don't know if you can tell but the shirts I picked were long sleeved and had a back pleat. The sleeves didn't matter it just meant I cut off a whole lot more in the slaughtering process. I just picked long sleeves because when I went to Plato's closet they were being clearanced out and in my opinion cheap used clothes are better then not cheap. Secondly the pleat thing...well that was just an accident. I hadn't paid attention to the back of the shirt in the tutorial but it actually worked out really cute. I used the seam ripper to carefully remove the tag from the inside of the shirt. Then I used the inside as the outside of my front piece and I ended up with this really cute gather that I didn't have to do myself. Super Nifty. (Look Dr. J...I actually put super instead of supper. A pet peeve of his but something I always mess up on. I also have a problem with then and than. If you ask me to explain when you use them I'm fine but when it comes to blogging I'm a mess. Yes I have horrible grammar and spelling. Let's talk about something I haven't known since first grade :) Anyway I just bought eyelet lace to go around because personally I have neither the patience nor the know how to do the nifty pleating the originally tutorial master did. I still think it worked out. Oh also I was thinking that one made out of those shirts with the pearl buttons would be totally adorable. Maybe next year :) Now that I have all these super cute spring clothes for #2 I need it to get warm.
So cute! I need to do this! :)
Very, very cute! I'm having ideas of your next project for little Evalin! :)
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