My towel shelf is always a disaster. For some reason those pesky towels just don't want to lie flat when folded. Finally after having to deal with the mess one too many times I figured why not roll them like all those fancy spas do. Guess what...the towels actually fit nicer. Who knew.
I might just try that... :) Our linen closet is a mess...
We are on the same wavelength! I saw a friend do hers this way and so I decided to try it. It is awesome, and it's so much easier to take one out without upsetting the whole pile.
Can I put this on this blog? - I also roll garment pairs together (a top and a bottom). It is much, much neater inside the drawer and convenient, too.
Bridget we do as well! It is the best way to keep that pesky underwear drawer organized.
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