Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

We have a tradition in our family of having a nice dinner altogether. It is usually fancy and often something I don't make other times of the year. This year though we had late church and didn't get home until after our dinner was a little adjusted. We still ate fairly well.

Stuffed Mushrooms
Whole Wheat Homemade Rolls
Red Garlic Potatoes
And a butter yellow cake with chocolate frosting covered in strawberries

It was just enough variety that all my children ate without complaint...well except Peach who was a nightmare. 1 o'clock church does not agree with her. I mentioned to Dr. J how lucky we were that we'd never had a kid so whinny about church and he pointed out this is the first time we've had 1 o'clock church with kids....oh yeah. Anyway besides that the night was well. I gave my kid books for Valentine's Day. They were happy. Dr. J watched the kids Saturday so I could go to the Salon. I got there and the girl had called in sick. So it was a nice thought even if it didn't work out. I gave Dr. J a paid off car, money in the emergency fund, and a budget for myself. The man actually teared up. Financial responsibility. The perfect gift for ones spouse.

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