We have been watching a lot of Olympics at our house. Every night we haven't been to bed until after twelve. Dr. J says, "Wow I never realized how into the Olympics you were." This was after he had conked out on the couch at ten and I'd stayed up until one for the Men's Gymnastics All Around. He says, "I can't get you to finish out any movies after nine. You always fall asleep." Well I guess I just find this more entertaining. There are tons of feel good moments and nail bitting finishes. How can you not get drawn in. The competition has even crept into my morning work outs. On Monday I ran three miles which was the farthest I'd ever run. Wednesday I figured hey if I can run three why not run more, so I ran 3.25 or a 5K. I know there are many of you out there that can do more but this is the longest I've ever run in my life and amazingly when I got to the 3.25 point I thought hey I could still run for longer if I wanted. In high school I couldn't even run a full mile. It sounds pathetic but it is true. Then on Thursday I decided to just run a mile as fast as I could. For me my fastest time is now 9 minutes and 50 seconds. I'm nowhere near a 3.50 mile or a marathon but it was still fun to push myself a little harder. Why not nurture that competitive edge with myself :)

I'm impressed! You should be proud of yourself. This is a real accomplishment. Obviously you need new running shoes.
Wow girl! I need to get lazy self up now that I've read this... sigh...
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