Thursday, August 7, 2008

What do you do with all that Squash?

Thanks to our garden and the CSA we have plenty of squash. I was trying to come up with something to do with it and decided to try my hand at a nice veggie bake. I chopped up new potatoes, yellow squash, zucchini, onions, and belly pepper. I three some chicken on top seasoned with olive oil and Mrs Dash and I threw the whole thing in the oven for an hour at 375. We went to the playground so it would be bearable. When we came home was had this delicious number waiting for us. YUM!


Angi said...

wow! that looks pretty good.

Rosie said...

roasted veggies are also great with a little lemon juice (fresh is best) squeezed over the top before baking. Looks super yum!