Friday, August 8, 2008

Bye, Bye Baby

Today we did it. We bought the plane ticket that will separate me from my sweetie for a month. We are 1,200 dollars poorer, excited to finish off this part of our lives, and very sad about being apart for a month. Well at least I am. I think those feelings must have been taking control while I was making the online purchase. Four times I missed up something or other on the form and I had to fix something before the computer would allow me to continue. CRAZY! Amman Jordan here he comes.


Jessica Bybee said...

so so sad!!!:( You are invited to dinner! We will have to play lots!
So sad! Hope the month flies by--- at least this October you won't have your appendix out!

Jackie said...

By the title I initally thought you were talking about being separated from your little girl for a month... I don't know which would be harder... :) We'll also help take care of you! I promise I won't space out this time...